
Stick Framing

At Great Deal Construction LLC, we specialize in custom stick framing to bring your unique vision to life. Experienced professionals will work with you to create a structure that meets your specific needs and preferences. Whether you are looking to build a new home, renovate an existing space, or add an addition, our custom stick framing services will ensure a high-quality result.

Pole Barn Framing

Whether you're looking to create additional storage space, a workshop, a garage, or any other structure, our team can work with you to design a pole barn framing system that fits your requirements perfectly.


We specialize in restoring historical buildings to their former glory. Our team of experts is dedicated to preserving the unique charm and character of these heritage structures while ensuring they meet modern standards of safety and functionality. Whether it's a century-old mansion, a turn-of-the-century church, or a vintage downtown storefront, we have the knowledge and experience to breathe new life into these architectural gems.